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Becoming more Efficient with the Evaluation Process - aligning the essential components of the teacher evaluation process - to build educator effectiveness with B. Michitson.

Educator evaluations can become perfunctory “tasks” to be      completed for administrators, and confrontational or “one more thing,” for the educators. That is one end of a continuum, at the other end, the evaluation process can be a productive thread in the fabric of a school that is a learning organization built on trust and a willingness to grow.  The workshop will provide time and space to analyze the current approach toward educator evaluation, of both the school and DESE., develop strategies and plans to move toward an aligned, feasible, and meaningful approach to educator evaluation. Written and oral feedback, collection and evaluation of evidence, goal alignment, and ongoing improvement will be examined. The workshop will model communication and alignment practices and will be an interactive session with guided discussion. Sign Up Here.

November 7

Creating a Culturally Responsive Climate with P. Conrad.

December 11

Unpacking the New Model School Level Administrator Rubric for Educator Evaluation with Dr. C. Bates.