Our Partners
Judy DeLucia, President and CEO of Seaside Educational Consultants has partnered with Express Yourself since its inception. Seaside understands the importance of creative risk-taking and its educational impact on the school system at large as well as the student as a creative individual. Integrated education and recognizing the power of the arts can provide excitement and stimulate creative ways of thinking that bring the classroom to life. Seaside has influenced school systems to take creative risks resulting in participation of administrators and teachers alike with a dynamic outcome.
An example of this year’s work is represented through a partnership with Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School.
Seaside is supporting Express Yourself in their final culminating performance involving more than 300 youths and Broadway performers. This year they are celebrating their 30th annual performance at the Boch Center-Wang Theatre on May 23, 2024.
Yourself, Inc
Dr. MC’s Self Care Cabaret, LLC.
Theresa Melito-Conners, PhD (Dr. MC), CEO and Founder of Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret, LLC, is thrilled to join Seaside Educational Consultants in a partnership as we embark on a new school year. Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret is a suite of theatre-inspired self-care and professional development services for leaders and teachers. The Self-Care Cabaret encompasses workshops, a podcast, and educational curricula — focused on accessible, realistic strategies that equip and empower.
Dr. MC first recognized the need for such strategies as a special education administrator. She realized individuals in people-first, service-oriented roles often struggle with prioritizing self-care and work-life balance and lack resources. Curious, Dr. MC pursued her PhD in educational leadership from Lesley University, honing in on self-care and renewal for leaders and teachers. In addition to her doctorate and published research, she is a licensed K-12 counselor with a Master of Education degree in school counseling from Salem State University and a BA in theatre studies from Emerson College. Her true joy is bringing her scholarship, experience, and zest to audiences of all kinds nationwide.
Dr. MC is a regular guest on high-profile podcasts and publications such as Nike and Today.com. She has a growing social community @DrMCselfcare on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and lives in Massachusetts.